Words and music : G. Creaton
Praise the Lord for He is good, alleluia
And his love, it has no end, alleluia !
To the East and to the West, alleluia
Let us proclaim unending love, alleluia !
Alleluia ! Alleluia,
Jubilate Deo !
Alleluia ! Alleluia,
Jubilate, alleluia !
The Father longed to send his Son, alleluia
Out of love for everyone, alleluia !
Mary said, « Let it be done », alleluia
So Christ the Lord came to be born, alleluia !
Jesus came to set us free, alleluia
From our sin and from our strife, alleluia !
Victory comes from his cross, alleluia
He feeds us with the Bread of Life, alleluia !
Jesus is alive today, alleluia
His own heart, true source of love, alleluia !
Spirit-filled, we go our way, alleluia
To tell the world that God is Love, alleluia !
© 2012, Emmanuel Publications, 89 boulevard Blanqui, 75013 Paris