Words and music : Emmanuel Community (A. Fleury / A. Dumont)
Glory to You, o Christ,
The Church’s one true Shepherd !
You are the true and joyful
Light that gives us life !
Star of evening shining bright,
In the glory of the Father,
In your light we see the Light
And in You we have our being !
Let our voices praise your name
And proclaim You to the nations.
You are true God from true God
Come to lead us to the Father !
Send your Spirit on us, Lord.
Let your grace shine down upon us.
Take our world of dark and sin ;
Make of it a new creation !
As we lift our hands on high
And we offer You our praises,
Take our hearts, our hope, our lives,
And transform us for your glory !
Lord, accept our evensong
As the incense fills the temple,
As we bow before your throne,
Only Son, one with the Father !
Original title (FR) : Louange à toi, ô Christ
© 2007, Editions de l’Emmanuel, 89 boulevard Blanqui, 75013 Paris
Translation : © 2009, Emmanuel Community
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