Words and music : Emmanuel Community (D.-M.David / L.-E. de Labarthe)
R. Holy Spirit, come, breath of God, give life to our world.
Come in our hearts, You the Spirit of fire,
Come, we long for You !
Holy Spirit, come, breath of God, give life to our world.
Come so we may proclaim Jesus Christ the Saviour of all.
1. Spirit of fire, breath of God the most high
Who gives all life and grace.
Come with your pow’r and transform our hard hearts,
Come and make us new !
2. Spirit who knows all the mysteries of God,
The Spirit of the truth.
Teach us, o Lord, come and live in our hearts,
Come and bring Your light.
3. Spirit of Strength, love and gift of the Lord,
And Father of the poor.
Spirit of joy, come and give us your peace,
Come and make us whole.
Original title (FR) : Viens, Esprit très Saint
© 1998, Éditions de l’Emmanuel, 89 boulevard Blanqui, 75013 Paris
Translation : © 2002, Emmanuel Community
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