COTE IEV: 06-62-NL

Holy Spirit [MP3]

Tekst en muziek : G. Misulia

1. Holy Spirit, holy spirit,
Come with your fire.
Holy Spirit, holy spirit
Come with your fire.
Holy Spirit, come with your fire.
Holy Spirit, come with your fire.

R. Come, Holy Spirit,
Let the fire fall.
Come, Holy Spirit,
Let the fire fall.
Let the fire fall ! Let the fire fall !

2. Holy Spirit, holy spirit,
Set my life on fire.
Holy Spirit, holy spirit
Set my life on fire.
Holy Spirit, set my life on fire.
Holy Spirit, set my life on fire.

3. Holy Spirit, holy spirit,
Purify my heart.
Holy Spirit, holy spirit
Purify my heart.
Holy Spirit, purify my heart.
Holy Spirit, purify my heart.

© 1984, Crossroads Music, 507 Stamford Rd, Baltimore, 21229 Maryland, USA


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