COTE IEV: 19-16-EN
Words and music : Emmanuel Community (B. Laplaize)
1. Behold, beloved of the Father,
Son He has given up to save the world ;
In our midst, He became man like us,
Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.
R. In this host, receive Christ the Saviour,
God concealed in form of bread.
Blessed servants of the living Lord,
Rest only on his Heart, learn everything from Him.
2. In love You took our human weakness,
Took the condition of a slave for us :
King of kings, but You knelt before your servants
To wash the feet of men.
3. How great this mystery, O Master !
How may my heart receive your endless love ?
Though I sin in my body and my soul,
You have come to dwell in me.
4. On You alone my hope is founded ;
Wash not my feet alone but cleanse my soul.
From your heart pour the Spirit on my dryness ;
The water of new life.
5. You call me, Lord, to be your servant,
Yet in my weakness I depend on You.
May my heart be a dwelling-place for You,
Ever burning with your love.
Original title (FR) : Recevez le Christ
© 2012, Editions de l’Emmanuel, 89 boulevard Blanqui, 75013 Paris
Translation : © 2013, Emmanuel Community
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