It is good to rejoice [PARTIEV]

Words and music : C. Luquin

Ch. It is good to rejoice
And to sing to the Lord our God,
Allelu, allelu, alleluia, alleluia !

1. He heals the broken hearts, binds up our wounds,
He guards us with his arm ;
Great is the Lord our God, great is his pow’r,
Great his victory !

2. Bring Him an offering, sing to the Lord,
Praise Him with all your heart ;
Let all the people give glory to Him,
Now and evermore !

3. For you Jerusalem, your God will dance,
Crying with tears of joy ;
See Him among you now, He is our king,
God is in our midst.

4. Let me proclaim his name long as I live,
Offer Him joyful praise ;
With all my heart may I sing of his love,
Praise Him all my days.

5. Praise Him upon the harp and on the lyre,
Answer with pipe and horn ;
Dance in his presence with cymbal and drum,
Play on flute and strings.

6. Ring out our praise to God, echo his name,
Trumpets in triumph sound ;
Let ev’ry creature sing praise to the Lord,
Alleluia !

Original title (FR) : Il est bon de chanter
© 1992, Editions de l’Emmanuel, 89 boulevard Blanqui, 75013 Paris
Translation : © 2002, Emmanuel Community

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