COTE IEV: 17-34-EN
Words and music : Emmanuel Community (A. Fleury)
Ch. Jesus, we adore you, Lord,
Jesus, we adore you, Lord,
Jesus, we adore you, Lord,
We adore you.
1. For life has made itself known.
In the dark of our sin, light has shown,
The Son of God, given for us
We come to worship and adore.
2. Jesus, true God and true man.
You became one of us, Mary’s child.
Emmanuel, God-is-with-us,
You make your dwelling in our midst.
3. Jesus, the Lamb who was slain,
Let us gaze on your heart, pierced for us.
Spirit of God flows from the cross,
Water of life that makes us whole.
4. Jesus, from out of the tomb,
You have overcome death, God of life !
Body of Christ, broken for us,
We come to worship and adore.
Alternative chorus :
Jesus, adoramus te,
Jesus, adoramus te,
Jesus, adoramus te,
Adoramus te.
Original title (FR) : Jésus, adoramus te
© 2007, Éditions de l’Emmanuel, 89 boulevard Blanqui, 75013 Paris
Translation : © 2002, Emmanuel Community
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