Lord, in your mercy, guide us home [PARTIEV]

Words and music : Emmanuel Community (D. Sheridan)

Lord, in your mercy, guide us home.
Your Word, a light along our path.
Keep us together as one in love ;
A people of healing and peace.

Weighed down with sin, Lord, we hid in fear,
But in our shame you were near.
You took our burdens. You set us free, Lord.
And forever we’ll sing of your love !

Amazing love that you have for us :
Such love that conquered sin and death.
Upon that cross, Lord, water and blood poured ;
From your side you had fashioned the Church !

Your mighty deeds will be known to all ;
And so the splendour of your reign.
For by your victory, filled with your Spirit
We go out and proclaim the Good News !

You are the way. You are the truth.
You are the life. (2x)

© 2016, Emmanuel Publications, 89 boulevard Blanqui, 75013 Paris



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