Words and music : Emmanuel Community (A. Dumont / M. Wittal / J. Rouquès)
1. Only then when He broke the bread,
We recognized the Lord.
Did our hearts not burn within,
As He revealed us his word ?
Build us up in our faith,
O Christ, in this communion feast,
Visit us, make us one,
Renewed in a single heart.
2. You have told us to do
These things in memory of You.
Consecrated bread and wine
Become a sign of your love :
They convey us your life,
O Christ, in this communion feast,
Blood poured out, body pierced,
To save sinners from their sin.
3. We have come to adore You, Lord,
Sharing the bread You give.
You are shepherd, You are King,
Redeemer Jesus, our Lord !
Show your glory to us,
O Christ, in this communion feast,
Guide us home, by the way
That leads safely to your heart.
4. By your Spirit we learn to know
Your body in this bread.
In your holy Eucharist,
Your very presence concealed.
You are here in our hands,
O Christ, in this communion feast,
Jesus Lord, Saviour God,
My life and my only joy.
5. We the hungry look up to You,
Helpless without your grace ;
We behold You break the bread,
The bread which gives us new life.
You yourself are our food,
O Christ, in this communion feast,
Lead us to our delight,
The gift promised to the saints.
6. Joy in heaven and joy on earth,
All find their source in You.
That we might return to God,
His Son has taken our flesh.
You’re the joy of the saints,
O Christ, in this communion feast,
Stay with us, dwell in us,
Remain always in our hearts.
Original title (FR) : Nous t’avons reconnu, Seigneur
© 2010, Editions de l’Emmanuel, 89 boulevard Blanqui, 75013 Paris
Translation : © 2013, Emmanuel Community
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