COTE IEV: 14-24-EN

Praise the Lord [MP3]

R. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
Praise the Lord in all his greatness.
Praise the Lord, praise his name.
Jesus Christ, Saviour of all.

1. Come and sing out your joy for God, all the earth,
Sing now and bless his holy name.
Day after day, sing your praise to the Lord,
Go proclaim his wonders to all.

2. How strong and mighty is the Lord, our great God,
He made the heavens and the earth.
All came through him, in his splendour and pow’r,
Let all nations bow down before him.

3. Come with your flute and strings and play for the Lord,
Cry out with joy and dance for him.
With all your heart, praise the name of our God,
In a song of worship unending.

4. All of our hope is in the name of the Lord,
He is the joy of every heart.
Lord, may your love always live in our hearts,
You, who are our strength and our song.

Original title (FR) : Louez Dieu
© 2001, Editions de l’Emmanuel, 89 boulevard Blanqui, 75013 Paris
Translation : © 2002, Emmanuel Community

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