Words and music : Emmanuel Community (M. Wittal)
1. You are God : we worship You ;
We acclaim You as the Lord.
Everlasting Father,
The world bows down before You, Lord.
All the angels sing your praise.
The powers of heaven worship You,
The cherubim and seraphim
Call out to You in joyful song :
Ch. Holy, holy, holy Lord (3x)
God of power and might !
Heaven and earth are full of your glory ! (3x)
2. Worshipping advance the apostles,
Striding forward prophets and saints,
White robe martyrs strong like an army,
All bow down before your throne.
On the earth your Church acclaims You,
Father, majesty unbounded,
Only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
Holy Spirit, advocate and guide.
3. Christ, You are the king of all glory,
Sign of God’s eternal love,
You became man for our salvation,
From a virgin’s womb, You were born.
You defeated death in the tomb,
Opened up the gates of heaven,
Seated at the right of the Father,
You will judge the living and the dead.
4. By the precious gift of your blood,
Save your people, hear our call,
Keep us free from sin and stain,
Grant a place for us with the saints,
Be our ruler, be our Lord,
We have placed our hope in You,
May we stand before your throne,
Giving glory for eternity !
© 2000, Emmanuel Publications, 89 boulevard Blanqui, 75013 Paris
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