COTE IEV: 14-43-EN
Words and music : Emmanuel Community (M. Hagemann)
R. The Lord is my help, only He is my joy.
I know my life is safe with Him.
The Lord is my help, only He is my joy.
I know my life is safe with Him.
1. I lift my eyes to the mountains. Where will my help come from ?
My help comes from the Lord, my God !
2. He guides my steps, never leaves me, He knows all my thoughts.
With his hand in mine I’ll walk all the way.
3. By day the sun will not strike you, the Lord is your shade.
He is with you by day and by night.
Original title (DE): Vom Herrn kommt mir Hilfe
© 1997, Gemeinschaft Emmanuel, Kolbergstraße 4, 84503 Altötting
Translation : © 2002, Emmanuel Community
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