To the boundless deep You lead me [PARTIEV]

Words and music : U. Hagemann

Ch. To the boundless deep You lead me,
At my side You dispel all my fears.
I will praise my rock and my fortress ;
O my God, you’re the strength of my life !

To the boundless deep You lead me,
At my side You dispel all my fears.
I will praise my rock and my fortress ;
O my God, you’re my Saviour and guide !

1. You are my rock, You are my fortress ;
You are the one on whom I depend.
You have preserved me from falling in darkness,
Struck off the chains of death from my soul.

2. When I cried out in my distresses,
You came to save me from my despair.
When I was cast into the deepest of dungeons,
You came to draw me into the light !

3. You clothe me, Lord, with your own glory,
And with your love You give me your strength.
I sing your praise and will bless You for ever ;
I will not cease to honour your name.

4. For You, my God, nothing is hopeless,;
Because your ways are far above mine.
With You alone I can face any danger ;
In You, o Lord, I put all my trust.

Original title (DE) : Du führst mich hinaus ins Weite
© 2010, APG 2010, Erzdiözese Wien, Wollzeile 2, 1010 Wien
Translation : © 2013, Emmanuel Community



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