Words and music : B. Suijkerbuijk
Ubicumque et semper.
Evangelium nuntiate
Omni creaturae
Evangelium praedicate.
If we call on his name we are saved.
Faith alone gives us power to pray,
But unless we witness to Him
They can never believe in the pow’r of his Name.
To proclaim to the world the Good News,
Jesus chooses the humble of heart ;
In the eyes of men they are foolish and weak
But He clothes them with pow’r from on high.
To announce the Good News is my life,
For this task I was made by the Lord.
He has fix’d his word in my heart,
And my only content is to tell it to all.
I take pride in my weakness alone ;
In the joy of the Lord is my strength ;
For when I am weak, He is strong
And his power is displayed in the whole of my life.
For our life and our death are for Christ ;
In Him living or dying is gain.
As his servants we draw our strength from his Spirit,
And one in his Heart we stand firm.
He has made me his witness to men ;
For his sake I will suffer with joy.
In my body I will complete what remains
To accomplish the suff’rings of Christ.
Now the time of my parting has come,
I have guarded the faith to the end.
For your sake I offer my life, for You
Promise to give me your crown of new life.
Original title (FR) : Ubicumque et semper
© 2012, Editions de l’Emmanuel, 89 boulevard Blanqui, 75013 Paris
Translation : © 2013, Emmanuel Community
1,70 €
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