We praise You, Christ [PARTIEV]

Words and music : Emmanuel Community (A. Dumont)

We praise You, Christ, Lamb of God,
For all your saints ;
For martyrs whose lives
Testify to the faith.
In them we see your life,
Which shines in the darkness of our lives.

We bless You, Lord our God,
For the witness of your martyr saints.
You lit the fire of your love in them,
And they did not hide your light from the world.

You bore the insults of the passion for our sake,
The martyrs fought the good fight for You.
The Spirit of the Father spoke in them,
When they were called before the courts of men.

No-one took your life but You chose to lay it down ;
Those who kill the body, your friends did not fear.
They plunged their souls in the depths of your heart,
And pardoned those who took their lives.

You did not refuse the cup which the Father willed,
The cup which the saints desired.
They received the baptism with which You were baptized,
And they take their seats in the kingdom with You.

You are the Lamb victorious on your throne,
A great crowd of witnesses all around.
They have washed their robes in your precious blood ;
With palms in their hands they sing your praise.

Night and day they praise You, Son of God and Saviour of mankind ;
They will not hunger or thirst again and the sun will not strike them down.
For you have led them to the springs of life ;
We join our voices to their hymns of joy.

Original title (FR) : Nous t’acclamons, ô Christ
© 2010, Editions de l’Emmanuel, 89 boulevard Blanqui, 75013 Paris
Translation : © 2013, Emmanuel Community



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