Words and music : Emmanuel Community (S.-M. Drouineau)
Ch. You have placed your body in our hands.
Humble servant, least among all men,
Holy One of God and poorest of the poor,
You have made your home among us, Lord.
1. The bread you give to eat, the wine you give to drink,
Is your body and blood.
You offer up your life, your heart is pierced for us.
You have made your home among us, Lord.
2. In this communion, Lord, you come to dwell in us,
Burning furnace of love.
The heart that loved so much is thirsty for our hearts.
You have made your home among us, Lord.
3. The life we have received transforms our hearts of stone :
Tabernacles of Christ.
You send us to the world to reach out to the lost.
You have made your home among us, Lord.
Original title (FR) : Tu fais ta demeure en nous, Seigneur
© 2007, Editions de l’Emmanuel, 89 boulevard Blanqui, 75013 Paris
Translation : © 2009, Emmanuel Community
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